Here are the full list of Important Questions based on Computer Awareness that are being asked by various exam organizations like jkssb, ssc and other state exams. You can boost your preparation by learning these computer awareness questions.
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Important Question on Computer Awareness
1. Which is responsible for communication between Memory and ALU – Control Unit
2. In computer, what converts AC to DC – SMPS
3. Who invented the keyboard – Christopher Latham Sholes
4. Which operating system is developed by Apple – Mac OS
5. From which year is the 5th generation of computers considered – 1980
6. What is the full form of HTTP – Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
7. Which are the main parts of the central processing unit – Control Unit and Arithmetic Logic Unit
8. Microsoft Office is a type of – Application Software
9. If CPU executes multiple programs simultaneously, it is known as – Multitasking
10. Which device is used for sending digital data over a phone line – Modem
11. What is used to make computer chips – Silicon
12. In which form is data stored in a computer – Binary Form
13. Where is RAM located – Motherboard
14. A wireless technology built in electronic gadgets for exchanging data over short distances – Bluetooth
15. By pressing which key can we move to the beginning of a page – Home
16. Who invented Java – James Gosling
17. Which of the following is used in RAM – Semiconductors
18. An Assembler is used to translate a program written in – Assembly Language
19. What is the meaning of OMR – Optical Mark Reader
20. Technology used to provide internet by transmitting data over telephone wires – DSL
21. Verification is the process of – Authentication
22. Which language was used as the first generation language – Machine Language
23. Assembly Language is a level of which language – Low-level Programming Language
24. What is the name of India’s first supercomputer – Param 8000
25. What is Linux – Operating System
26. A 32-bit word computer can access how many bytes at a time – 4
27. The first microprocessor built by Intel was called – 4004
28. The computer that processes both analog and digital data is called – Hybrid Computer
29. In 1999, the Melissa virus was a widely publicized __? – E-mail Virus
30. Which command is given to reboot the computer? – Ctrl+Alt+Del
31. What is correcting errors in a program called? – Debugging
32. BCD is __? – Binary Coded Decimal
33. What type of virus uses computer hosts to reproduce itself? – Worm
34. SMTP, FTP, and DNS are applications of the __ layer? – Application
35. Which command is used to select the whole document? – Ctrl+A
36. COBOL is an acronym for __? – Common Business-Oriented Language
37. The ability of an OS to run more than one application at a time is called – Multitasking
38. What is the functional key to display the save-as box? – F12
39. Full form of NOS? – Network Operating System
40. Something which has easily understood instructions is called – Analog Data
41. A modem is connected to a __? – Telephone Line
42. Refresh Rate of monitor is measured in? – Hertz
43. What was the chief component of the first generation computer? – Vacuum tubes & Valves
44. Who is the Father of the Computer Mouse? – Douglas Engelbart
45. A program that performs a useful task while allowing destructive acts is called – Trojan Horse
46. The geometric arrangement of devices on the network is called – Topology
47. The basic goal of computer processing is to convert data into – Information
48. Where are the CPU and memory located? – Motherboard
49. Where is BIOS stored? – Flash Memory Chip
50. IP address version 4 is in which format – 32-bit
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51. Who was the founder of Bluetooth – Ericsson
52. What kind of operations can a computer carry out? – Arithmetic and Logical
53. Modern computers follow a generalized set of instructions known as – Programs
54. When were the first digital electronic calculating machines developed? – During World War II
55. Which part of the computer carries out arithmetic and logical operations – Processing Element
56. Which are part of the Logical Operations of the computer – Greater Than
57. Which comprise the input devices – Keyboard and Mouse
58. Which devices comprise the output unit? – Visual Display Unit
59. Which lies within the CPU? – Primary Memory
60. Which comprise the software components of a computer? – Programs
61. In a book of which author was the word computer first mentioned – Richard Braithwait
62. The earliest mechanical analog computer is seen as the – Tally Stick
63. Which device incorporated a mechanical calendar computer – Astrolabe
64. Who gave the first successful demonstration of a simplified analytical engine in computing tables in 1888? – Henry Babbage
65. Which is the first example of an electromechanical relay computer – Z2
66. What was considered the world’s first fully automatic digital computer – Z3
67. Which was the world’s first electronic digital programmable computer – Colossus
68. Who proposed the principle of the modern computer in his 1936 paper – Alan Turing
69. In a laser printer, which type of laser is used – Semiconductor Laser
70. In Microsoft Word, which provides information about the current document – Status Bar
71. Virus stands for – Vital Information Resource Under Siege
72. What is the address given to a computer connected to a network called – IP Address
73. Unauthorized access through bypassing normal authentication is called a – Backdoor
74. Which is a volatile memory – RAM
75. Which programming language was developed by James A. Gosling – Java
76. ISP stands for – Internet Service Provider
77. Which is used to enter data and instruction into a computer – Input Device
78. Which virus changes each time it is installed to avoid detection – Polymorphic Virus
79. Systems running multiple processes concurrently are called – Multiprogramming
80. Which has the largest storage capacity – Tera Byte
81. Which is an application protocol – HTTP
82. In IT, associated memory is also called – Content Addressable Memory
83. Unix operating system was developed by – Bell Labs
84. ‘Safari’ is a type of – Browser
85. Protocol used for sending an email is – SMTP
86. Any data or instruction entered into a computer’s memory is called – Input
87. Material used in the manufacturing of electric heater coils – Nichrome
88. A light-sensitive device used for converting images to digital form – Scanner
89. ‘Homepage’ is associated with a – Web Page
90. The bar located at the top of WordPad/Notepad – Title Bar
91. In Microsoft Word, we can change the color of selected text with – Font Color
92. Programs designed to read and interpret HTML – Browsers
93. A modifier key on a computer keyboard – Shift Key
94. The technique used to increase bandwidth is called – Memory Interleaving
95. The default body font in Microsoft Word 2007 – Calibri
96. Constantly running system processes are known as – Daemons
97. Notepad is a text editor in which OS – Windows
98. The fundamental purpose of BIOS is – To initialize and test system hardware components
99. An output device used to translate information from a computer into pictorial form on paper – Plotter
100. The idea of the integrated circuit was first proposed by – Geoffrey Dummer
101. The command that merges the contents of one file into another is – APPEND
102. In MS Word, the gutter margin is – Space left for binding
103. Which company developed Java – Sun Microsystems
104. The base of the Octal Numeral System is – 8
105. The OSI networking model has how many layers – 7
106. Which error is identified by the compiler – Logical Errors
107. Raymond Samuel Tomlinson is famous for developing – Email
108. C++ is a – Programming Language
109. Processed data is known as – Information
110. Who invented logarithms – John Napier
111. The mascot of Linux Operating System is a – Penguin
112. The full form of “LAN” is – Local Area Network
113. An IP address contains how many bits – 32 Bits
114. Syntax Errors are determined by the – Control Unit
115. The tagline “Do No Evil” is owned by – Google
116. The main system board of a computer is the – Motherboard
117. The first supercomputer in the world is named – CDC 6600
118. ALU is a part of the computer – Processor
119. Lisp programming language was built by – John McCarthy
120. Failure in the kernel in IT terminology is called a – Crash
121. Which key is used to move to the next line in MS Word – Enter Key
122. Netscape Navigator is a – Web Browser
123. A bug in computer terminology is – An error in a program
124. A small message used in networks to pass between stations is known as – Token
125. Who is the founder of IBM Company – Thomas J. Watson
126. An image on a computer screen is made up of – Pixels
127. Full form of MAN – Metropolitan Area Network
128. Which command in DOS can recover accidentally deleted files – UNDELETE
129. A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language at one time is called – Compiler
130. Microsoft was founded in which year – 1975
131. The PC operating system with a graphical desktop environment is – Windows
132. Light pen and joystick are examples of – Input Devices
133. A half byte is also known as – Nibble
134. SMPS stands for – Switched Mode Power Supply
135. Used to change text appearance and positioning in MS Word – Formatting
136. Approximately a million bytes make up a – Megabyte
137. Daisy wheel, drum, and chain are types of – Printers
138. XML stands for – Extensible Markup Language
139. The HTTP protocol follows a – Request/Response Scheme
140. Magnetic disk is an example of – Secondary Memory
141. OSI stands for – Open Systems Interconnection
142. The BIOS storage device is a type of – Primary Storage
143. PC is short for – Personal Computer
144. Another name for a desktop computer is – PC
145. The supercomputer developed by Indian scientists is – Param
146. Third generation computers were built with – Integrated Circuits
147. In the latest generation computers, instructions are executed – Both Sequentially and in Parallel
148. The stored program idea was contributed by – John von Neumann
149. The earliest software was developed using the – Waterfall Model
150. C++ inventor – Bjarne Stroustrup
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